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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Get Me Off This Mountain!

12" Gun at Yuma Proving Ground

While filming for the Department of Defense at the Yuma Proving Grounds back in the early 70's a fellow worker and myself got stranded on the top of a mountain. We were flown there by helicopter to film the end result of the detonation of 12" shells which were fired from several miles up range by the "gun" on the left. 

12" Shells

The shells contained cluster bombs which dispersed over a wide area destroying anything in their path. The day was unusually hot and humid for the desert.

Our stay on the mountain was prolonged well past the end of the testing due to the helicopter pilot being unable to generate sufficient lift to fly due to the high temperature. Not that this wasn't bad enough,  my friend Bob accidentally kicked over a jug of water, the only water we had. It was well into the evening before the helicopter was able to bring us down.

We had several targets downrange to test the effectiveness of the ordinance.  Besides the camera we had on the top of the mountain, we also had several disposable cameras in the impact area as well as one on top of a 80' tower.

Shown on the left Dick L. mounting a camera on the top of an 80ft. tower in the middle of the impact area

Thats the mountain we spent 11 hours on in the background.

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