A sure hope I cling to, is a promise I found in the bible when I was 30 years old. That was some 35 years ago. At the time I had pretty much come to the end of myself and was clueless as to the meaning and purpose of my life. However, there was something in me that compelled me to seek out the answers, I now know that it was God knocking on my door. There are times even now that I doubt the truth of what I found, but if God's Word is true, and I believe it is, God has given each of us a promise that will not fail.
The truth is that we were created by God and that he loves us. Loves us so much he sent his only son, Jesus, to die as a substitute for the sins of every man women and child who has ever lived and will ever live. I had heard about God all those first thirty years, but the impression of him I took away did not incline me to want anything to do with him. What I discovered 35 years ago was that it was possible to have a relationship with this God. He is as close as your next breath. Perhaps he is knocking on your door! Will you answer it?
The truth I found in the bible is simply stated in the link below.
God Bless You
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