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Saturday, February 18, 2006


This is my first post. My name is Jon Baltes and I am a retired filmmaker. I started my career working for a company in Bloomington, Minnesota called Low & Associates. I worked there from November 1967 until October 1973. The first month I was there we did a film for the Air Force in San Antonio, Texas. The crew included a Hollywood Director and Cinematographer. I learned more about filmmaking in that two week period then I did in the previous two years at the University of Minnesota.
In 1973 I went to work for Scene 3, also in Bloomington. By now I was working as a Cinematographer doing a variety of programs.
Amongst them was about 150 television commercials for the infamous K-Tel Records. (be sure to order before midnight tonight)

From 1975 thru 1978 I freelanced as an independent filmaker. Then in October of 1978 I took a job as a Cinematographer at Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing. It would be during my time at 3M that I would make the transition from film to video, eventually working as an online editor. Since retiring from 3M on December 31, 1996, I have continued to pursue my interest in video production.

Having become a "BORN AGAIN" christian in 1970 I decided to name my enterprise "Paraclete Pictures". Paraclete is the Greek word for the third person of the trinity, and also the one who would transform my life, the Holy Spirit. I thank God for the new life he has given me in Christ. Let Him be praised and honored throughout all eternity. Jesus loves you and so do I.

I currently live in Stillwater, Minnesota with my lovely wife Jane. We have been married for 38 years and have four children, Dan, Dave, Mary and Andy. More about all this later.

From time to time I will publish a joke or two, the following is an example.

What do you call it when you have 20 rabbits standing in a line hopping backwards?

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Stillwater, Minnesota, United States